Trion Pictures S.r.l.

Milan based TRION PICTURES is a production company specializing in animation – but also with an eye to the live production. Our philosophy is the development in collaboration with Italian and international professionals and producers of strong concepts, both in contents and commercially.

Company Activities :

  • Produzione (animazione & live) / Production (animation and live)
  • Produzione esecutiva (executive production)
  • Sviluppo progetti / project development
  • Vendita e distribuzione / sales and distribution

Programmi prodotti recentemente/Shows recently produced:

  • Tutti Pazzi per Moose/Everybody Loves a Moose
    serie in animazione 52×7’ / an animated series 52×7’
    una coproduzione RAI – Trion Pictures – Conexion Group
    distribuzione / distributed by HoHo Rights
  • Le Canzoni dello Zecchino / The Zecchino Songs animated
    corti in animazione / short films 2×2,60’
    produzione RAI – Antoniano
  • Ada’s Dreams (in pre-produzione / pre-production)
    serie in animazione 26×11’ / animated series 26×11’
  • I Tesori del Mare / The Treasures of the Sea – (in pre-produzione / pre-production)
    serie in animazione [12×7’]


registered office and offices:
via Melchiorre Gioia 72
20123 Milan (MI)
Phone Off:  +39 02 89412141
Mobile.:  +39 335 8489 007

Riccardo R. Trigona, CEO