Robin Studio

Robin is a creative studio headquartered in Turin, Italy. Through everything orbiting the entertainment and engagement of an audience, be it cultural projects, animated visions, musical endeavors or anything in between, Robin travels the communication galaxy to go above and beyond and craft “incredible stuff”: Robe Incredibili. Robin works with all kinds of media: from cultural projects with museum interactive installations and exhibitions (Museo Egizio di Torino, Museo Nazionale del Cinema), to animation, theatre (Arturo Brachetti), video mappings, live streaming services and cinema.

Latest work:

Out Of Character (2023)
Cortometraggio (Durata 4’20’’)
Diretto da Niccolò Gioia

En la tierra de los sueños perdidos (2023)
Cortometraggio (Durata 4’30’’)
Diretto da Matilde Capello

Cortile aperto: Flora dell’antico Egitto
Installazione di video mapping
Museo Egizio di Torino


Robin Studio
Via Rovigo, 13
10152 – Torino (To)
Phone: +39 347 067 2666

Referent: Niccolò Gioia
